The Voice of the Turtle
· Green Mountain Guild
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Directed by: Robert O'Neil-Butler
· Literature: John van Druten
The play takes place in New York City during World War II and explores the sexual struggles of Sally Middleton, a young woman attempting to reconcile her childhood teachings on the importance of chastity with her newfound affection for Bill Page. The story begins the aspiring actress Sally Middleton has just finished moving into her new apartment in the East Sixties. Even though she has just left her home in Joplin, Missouri for life in the big city, the married Broadway producer she has been seeing dumps her when he feels she is ruining their relationship by falling in love with him. Heartbroken, Sally confides in her friend Olive Lashbrooke, questioning the practicality of the lessons in chasteness she received as a child and wondering if she is alone in her passion, or if other women share these sensations.