
A new trailer for “Into the Woods” has been released today. The latest peek at the big-screen take on Stephen Sondheim’s Broadway musical opens with a shot of Anna Kendrick as Cinderella, leading newcomers Lilla Crawford as Little Red Riding Hood and Daniel Huttlestone as Jack, and finally Emily Blunt as The Baker’s Wife with her husband The Baker, played by James Corden, as they sing “I Wish.” Streep makes her grand entrance as The Witch who raised Rapunzel, bargaining with the Baker and his wife to remove a curse in exchange for a cow as white as milk, a cape as red as blood, hair as yellow as corn, and a slipper as pure as gold. She then steals the show, singing her big number, “Stay With Me.” You can watch the new trailer in the video archive.


Here comes a great find from the past. One of the first organizations that Meryl Streep publicly supported was Dr. Helen Calidcott’s Women’s Actions for Nuclear Disarmament. In 1981, Meryl narrated the documentary “Eight Minutes to Midnight” about Caldicott’s crusade against nuclear power. And in 1983, Meryl taped a television public service announcement for WAND to raise awarenes of their actions for Nuclear Disarmament in the wake of the ABC television film “The Day After”. You can now watch the PSA in the video archive.


Check out the first featurette for “Into the Woods” to get a taste of snippets from the prologue, Meryl Streep’s “Stay With Me” and more! Also look out for James Lapine, Stephen Sondheim and Rob Marshall gushing about the cast, and the cast gushing about Lapine, Sondheim and Marshall. There’s a lot of love. Cast interview include Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Chris Pine, James Corden and Emily Blunt. The featurette features lots of new scenes and more insight into the characters, including Johnny Depp’s Wolf, Rapunzel and, of course, the Witch.


In this week’s Entertainment Weekly – which features four exclusive covers of the fairy tale epic’s all-star cast – they dive headfirst into the design of the dark, sprawling world of “Into the Woods”, the musical tale about a childless Baker (James Corden) and his wife (Emily Blunt) who attempt to lift a witch’s curse by venturing into an enchanted forest filled with classic characters like Cinderella (Anna Kendrick) and Rapunzel (MacKenzie Mauzy). Edit: Scans from the magazine have been added to the image library, with many thanks to Claudia for sending them in. Additionally, a new production still and a costume sketch of Meryl’s character have been added as well.


After a few weeks’ worth of rumors, Pathé International has announced that Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant will officially be teaming up for Stephen Frears’ biopic, “Florence”. Florence stars Streep as the real-life New York heiress Florence Foster Jenkins, whose dreams of becoming a renowned opera singer are stymied by her laughable lack of talent. Grant will play her live-in partner and manager, the English actor St. Clair Bayfield, who guides Jenkins away from the real truth, which proves challenging when Jenkins decides to perform live at Carnegie Hall. The film is currently in pre-production. Michael Kuhn and Tracey Seaward will produce, and Nicholas Martin will write the script. Here’s Pathé’s official synopsis:

The true story of Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep), the legendary New York heiress and socialite who obsessively pursued her dream of becoming a great opera singer. The voice she heard in her head was beautiful, but to everyone else it was hilariously awful. Her “husband” and manager, St Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant) an aristocratic English actor, was determined to protect his beloved Florence from the truth. But when Florence decided to give a public concert at Carnegie Hall in 1944, St Clair knew he faced his greatest challenge.


The feature films albums have been finalized with all remaining films (2002-2014) being sorted and updated with higher quality images. Additionally, lots of new pictures – a few of her older films and plenty of her more recent films – have been added as well. Among them are fantastic production stills from “The Iron Lady”. To view all last added pictures have a look at the previews below. Otherwise, just browse the film albums to see all pictures in better quality. Enjoy.

Image Library – Feature Films – Last added pictures
Image Library – Feature Films – Last updated albums

Sad news today. A spokeswoman for the family of Misty Upham has confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that actress Misty Upham, who was first reported missing on Oct. 6, has been found dead. The Hollywood Reporter has obtained a comment from Meryl Streep, who co-starred with Upham in “August”: “So so sad to hear this news — all our thoughts are with her family and with her beautiful spirit.” Melissa Leo, whose character collaborated with Upham’s to smuggle illegal immigrants from Canada into America in Frozen River, wrote, “Such a loss… so sad, so so sad. I hope to that her talent is remembered more than any troubles we surely will never understand. She was a smart, delightful actor, a spirit wild and hungry. I know I and others are honored to have had Misty in our lives.”


According to the Daily Mail, Meryl Streep is in negotiations to star in a film about an opera singer who couldn’t hit a note. American-born Florence Foster Jenkins had legions of fans who filled her concerts, but it was never clear whether they genuinely enjoyed her piercing screeches — or were just going along for a laugh. Streep, who can carry a tune, has been talking to director Stephen Frears about making the movie about the lady with the variable tempo and less than perfect pitch. Maureen Lipman appeared in a play several years ago about Jenkins called Glorious, and there was a line in it about what the great Caruso said when he heard her sing. ‘I’ve never heard anything like it!’ he apparently told her, though she took it as a compliment. Hugh Grant is also in talks to play Jenkins’s manager, who may well have been more to her than that. Frears works well with women. Look at The Queen with Helen Mirren, or the movies he’s made with Judi Dench (the recent Philomena is a particular stand-out). His work is being celebrated during the BFI London Film Festival, when he will be awarded a BFI Fellowship. At least Meryl won’t need any singing lessons for this latest role. Many thanks to Frank for the heads-up.


The television appearances have been finished in the image library with lots of additional albums ranging from 2006 to 2014. Meryl’s various tv appearances during that time include promotions for “Mamma Mia”, “Doubt”, “It’s Complicated”, “Julie and Julia” and “Hope Springs”, as well as the impressive promotional tour for “The Iron Lady”. To launch all last added albums, click the previews below.

Image Library – Television Appearances – 2010s – Last Uploads
Image Library – Television Appearances – 2000s – Last Uploads

Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Rihanna and other pop superstars will touch down on the National Mall on Nov. 11 to perform in honor of American veterans and their families. Dubbed “the Concert for Valor,” the Veterans Day celebration is being hosted by Starbucks and HBO, which will open up their signal to cable subscribers nationwide during a live telecast. For those hoping to see it in three dimensions, the concert will be free and open to the public. The concert will also include performances from Dave Grohl, Metallica, Carrie Underwood and Zac Brown Band, as well as appearances from Jamie Foxx, John Oliver, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, who is co-producing the event. Scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on the Mall grounds between the Capitol and the Washington Monument, the event is expected to draw a quarter million attendees. Organizers will host dedicated seating for military families, with tickets being distributed through various veterans assistance organizations. More information can be found courtesy the Washington Post and at the concert’s official website. Many thanks to Frank for the heads-up.