This has to be one of the funniest things in a longtime. After a string of unsuccessful and unauthorized films on the lives of Whitney Houston and Elizabeth Taylor, gives us the trailer we have all been waiting for: Christina Applegate stars as Meryl Streep in this fake preview for Lifetime’s “Meryl”. As the narrator says, “Honestly, it’s like she’s not even trying”. Applegate is hilarious as Susan Orlean, Karen Blixen, the French Lieutenant’s Woman and an array of other classic performances. Hats off! Enjoy the video.
As you can see, Simply Streep has a new look. It’s been a couple of years since I worked on a new look, because the site has become quite familiar with how it looked, so my sole goal was to make it even easier to browse and cleaner looking, with all content in sight. There’s also a new comment system for the news, which you can access through your own social media. All pages are still where they’ve been, and most of the content pages, such as the filmography pages, will receive a special treatment in the coming weeks. The new layout comes just in time for the early October release of “Suffragette”, which is going to be something. I hope you like the new look, feel free to browse around and check back soon for more updates.
Even more scans from various magazines, featuring articles, interviews and reviews for “Ricki and the Flash”, have been added to the photo gallery, including cover stories from the Sunday Times Magazine and the Australian Yours Magazine. As always, many thanks to Alvaro for sending them in. Also, many thanks to Simona for sending in the Grazia scans. Very appreciated. Enjoy reading.
During its two weeks at the American box office, “Ricki and the Flash” has been a modest success, earning 17,3 million on its 18 million budget. The comedy will expand its run to most European countries during September. Critics have been favorable for the performances, but mixed on the rather predictable storyline. Variety wrote, that Streep’s character “compiles a wealth of impressive actorly attributes without ever really finding a center for the character. She brings plenty of salt, but not nearly enough grit.” Peter Travers wrote in Rolling Stone, “It’s a kick watching Meryl Streep rock out on guitar and vocals. Too bad the rest of the movie, with a script by Diablo Cody, is dime-a-dozen family soap opera.” And the New York Times concluded, “It’s not Mr. Demme’s fault that things didn’t quite work out that way. But “Ricki and the Flash” seems like a squandered opportunity for this humane, curious and liberal-minded filmmaker to reflect on some uncomfortable realities. This isn’t really rock ’n’ roll. It’s easy listening.” Have you seen “Ricki and the Flash”? Feel free to share your comments.
A new batch of magazines scans, all related to the August release of “Ricki and the Flash”, have been added to the photo gallery. The new additions come from various Entertainment Weekly’s, Variety, Time Out and the Sunday Times Culture (great cover, if anyone has the article, think of me :-) There’s also an article on the upcoming “Suffragette” in the latest Entertainment Weekly, which has been added as well. Many thanks to Alvaro for sending these in. Enjoy reading.
Here comes a great blast from the past, courtesy the Today Show. In 1981, Meryl Streep was interviewed by Gene Shalit on “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”, her TIME magazine cover, which would become an inspiration for actresses in years to come, and her newfound stardom. Here’s Streep at 32, serious and seemingly uncomfortable with being a public person – and being interviewed. An early interview that shouldn’t be missed. You can also find screencaptures in the photo gallery.
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts Los Angeles will salute Meryl Streep, Sam Mendes and James Corden with Britannia Awards at its October 30 ceremony at the Beverly Hilton. Additional honorees will be announced soon. Streep is the recipient of this year’s Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in Film, which the org said “is presented to a unique individual, upon whose work is stamped the indelible mark of authorship and commitment, and who has lifted the craft to new heights.” Prior recipients include Robert De Niro, Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks. The Britannia Awards are BAFTA Los Angeles’ highest accolade. The honors are presented annually at a gala dinner. Proceeds support BAFTA Los Angeles’ ongoing education, scholarship, community outreach and archival projects.
On August 13, Meryl Streep paid a visit to the cast of “Hamilton” at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. Pictures from the event, and of cast members taking pictures with Meryl, have been added to the photo gallery.
Work has prevented me from catching up with all the “Ricki and the Flash” media that happened later in this week, so here’s one big update for you. Several new clips from the film, compilation from the press junket, a report from the New York premiere, as well as Meryl’s August 4 appearance on CBS This Morning have been added to the video archive. Enjoy.
Over 280 pictures from yesterday’s New York premiere of “Ricki and the Flash” have been added to the photo gallery. My biggest thanks to Claudia and Lindsey for their wonderful contributions. Two new clips have been added to the video archive as well – a new clip of Meryl singing “Drift Away” and an interview with her and Rick Springfield by Access Hollywood. Enjoy the new additions.