
Added pictures of Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline attending yesterday’s “The Lover and the Poet” Benefit to the Image Library.


Some very rare pictures from the 1980s have been added to the Image Library with thanks to Bengui and Tina for their contributions. Also new to the gallery are some very rare on-set pictures from the making of “Holocaust” in 1977. Enjoy the new additions – and in case you find any good pictures from the past, feel free to share them with the site :-)

Image Library > Appearances > 1989 > Cannes Film Festival
Image Library > Appearances > 1988 > Academy Awards
Image Library > Appearances > 1988 > “A Cry in the Dark” Premiere
Image Library > Appearances > 1983 > Taping of “A.M. Chicago” to promote “Silkwood”
Image Library > Appearances > 1983 > New York Film Critics Circle Awards
Image Library > Appearances > 1983 > César Awards
Image Library > Appearances > 1983 > Unknown event (know where they come from?)
Image Library > Appearances > 1982 > Los Angels Film Critics Association Awards
Image Library > Career Photography > 1977 > Holocaust – On-Set Pictures


The Image Library has been finally converted to the site’s new layout in order to give Simply Streep a fitting image. Some rare new pictures will be added today as well, so check back soon ;-)


The wonderful Tina has submitted amazing DVD screencaps of “Theater of War”, the documentary that chronicles the 2006 staging of Brecht’s “Mother Courage and Her Children”, starring Meryl Streep. Over 600 caps have been added to the Image library.


Many thanks to Ilaria for submitting a transcript of Meryl’s speech after receiving the Golden Marc’Aurelio Acting Award at the Rome International Film Festival. Her few Italian lines have been translated into English for an easier reading. Thanks Ilaria!

Thank you, thank you so much… two microphones (laughs). Uulalala. I apologise for not speaking Italian as Helen Mirren but, Helen, (in response to Miss Mirren’s previous speech in which she mentioned inspiring Italian actresses) don’t forget Senta Berger, Giulietta Masina, Silvana Mangano and the madonna of all the actresses, Eleonora Duse, everyone italian!! I have to speak english. At this moment in my life after being an actress for… ok, 30 years, more than 30 years, having paid off all my students loans, all I feel is gratitude, really, that’s all I feel (applause). Because an actor is nothing but a listener and a talker, so we need the writer, we need the director, we need you, young writers and directors and producers, people who find the money, we need each other, other actors… so I’m not here by myself, I’m here with all the fantastic people who have led me by the hand to this moment, including my parents, my husband who made it possible to have this amazing career (applause) and all my friends living and gone… so thank you very much.


Added clips of Meryl’s various appearances at the Rome International Film Festival. The acceptance speech for the Golden Marc’Aurelio Award is unfortunately cut off, so if anyone has a full video or transcript (in English or Italian), any heads-up are appreciated. Enjoy the clips!


To wrap up the 4th edition of the Rome International Film Festival, pictures of Meryl at yesterday’s official awards ceremony have been added to the Image Library. She once again took the stage to receive the Marc’ Aurelio Acting Award. The Danish film “Brotherhood” won the Best Picture prize, Sergio Castellitto was voted Best Actor for “Alza La Testa”. And British actress Helen Mirren was voted Best Actress for “The Last Station” (some may remember that Meryl was originally cast in this role but left due to schedule conflicts).  Enjoy the pictures!


Actress Hilary Swank has won two Oscars for her performances in “Boys Don’t Cry” and “Million Dollar Baby” and is most certainly entering this year’s awards season with her performance as Amelia Earhart. In an interview with Moviefone, she was asked about her acting rolemodels.

You’ve had a pretty amazing career, but is there anyone’s career that you look to as an inspiration?

It’s probably cliché at this point, but Meryl Streep is someone who not only continues to raise her own bar, and she’s time and time again extraordinary … she carries herself with such grace and she’s a girl’s girl, she’s very supportive of other women, and her work ethic is inspiring. She runs the gamut of doing dramatic and mainstream movies. You know, she fluctuates back and forth so easily and fluently. We’re entertainers, and that’s what a full career is supposed to be filled with, so I think she’s just extraordinary in every way.


Today, Meryl was honored with the Marcus Aurelius award at the Rome International Film Festival. Pictures from the ceremony, as well as additional pictures from the “Julie & Julia” premiere and the “Meryl Streep Masterclass” interview session that took place right after the premiere, have been added to the Image Library. Meryl has also attended the festival’s awards ceremony a couple of hours ago, so check back for more!


Meryl has arrived in Italy today for the 4th Rome International Film Festival. She has attended the photocall for “Julie & Julia”, an interview session, and, just a few hours ago, the gala premiere for the film. Over 150 pictures have been added to the Image Library with much more to follow.