The first batch of today’s magazines update has been added, ranging from as recent as 2014 to 2003. These scans come from a variety of countries – from the United Kingdom and the United States to Germany, France, Bulgaria, Belgium and Russia. For a complete list, have a look at the list below the previews. As always, many thanks to Alvaro for these contributions. Next up: Magazine scans from the 1990s and 1980s.
Here comes a great find from the past. One of the first organizations that Meryl Streep publicly supported was Dr. Helen Calidcott’s Women’s Actions for Nuclear Disarmament. In 1981, Meryl narrated the documentary “Eight Minutes to Midnight” about Caldicott’s crusade against nuclear power. And in 1983, Meryl taped a television public service announcement for WAND to raise awarenes of their actions for Nuclear Disarmament in the wake of the ABC television film “The Day After”. You can now watch the PSA in the video archive.
The feature films albums have been finalized with all remaining films (2002-2014) being sorted and updated with higher quality images. Additionally, lots of new pictures – a few of her older films and plenty of her more recent films – have been added as well. Among them are fantastic production stills from “The Iron Lady”. To view all last added pictures have a look at the previews below. Otherwise, just browse the film albums to see all pictures in better quality. Enjoy.
The television appearances have been finished in the image library with lots of additional albums ranging from 2006 to 2014. Meryl’s various tv appearances during that time include promotions for “Mamma Mia”, “Doubt”, “It’s Complicated”, “Julie and Julia” and “Hope Springs”, as well as the impressive promotional tour for “The Iron Lady”. To launch all last added albums, click the previews below.
Here comes the third and final update of 1990s pictures. All images are from events that took place in 1999 and include Meryl’ extensive promotion for “Music of the Heart”, Academy Awards, Golden Globes and Venice Film Festival. Once again, the complete list of updated albums can be found below the previews. Enjoy the new additions.
The gallery updates continue with a second batch of 1990s updates. These photos range from 1996 to 1998 and include Meryl’s promotions for “Marvin’s Room”, “One True Thing” and “Dancing at Lughnasa”. Almost all albums have been replaced with better quality images and new additions as well. A complete list can be found under the preview images below. The third and final update of 1990s images will follow later this evening, so check back.
The albums of Meryl’s public appearances in the 1990s have been sorted, replaced with better quality images and and new images have been added as well. This first update covers the 1990’s first half, the second half will follow in a later update. To launch all latest images, have a look at the previews and list below.
Once again, I’ve digged deep down the archives to bring some rare finds to Simply Streep. The highlight of this post is probably Meryl’s first television interview in 1979 to promote “Kramer vs. Kramer”. Bits from this interview were featured on the Today Show, now a seven-minute version has been added to the video archive. Also new is footage from the Mann’s Chinese Theatre Handprints ceremony, the premieres for “The River Wild” and “The Bridges of Madison County” and a newly discovered press junket interview for “Music of the Heart”. Click the previews for all new clips and scroll down for screencaptures.
Lots of additional screencaptures have been added as well. There are better quality captures from the 1979 and 1980 Academy Awards, Meryl’s television appearances on “Race to Save the Planet” and “Voices that Care” as well as numerous television interviews she did in the 1990s. Once again, have a look below for a complete list. Enjoy the new additions.
A new batch of production and promotional stills as well as on-set pictures of Meryl’s films have been added to the image library. Updates range from 1979 to 1986 and include “The Seduction of Joe Tynan”, “Kramer vs. Kramer”, “Sophie’s Choice”, “Plenty” and “Heartburn”. For a complete overview and list, check the previews below.
While sorting things for the site, I’ve realised that most of the screencaptures of Meryl’s television appearances throughout the years have never been added to the new image library back when I moved all images. So, over 2.000 screencaptures have been re-added, ranging from the early 1980s to 2009, when screencaptures have been up to date again. For a complete overview of all added captures, have a look at the previews below and enjoy your trip down the memory lane.