In 1984, Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro teamed up for a second film collaboration titled “Falling in Love”. After co-starring in 1978’s “The Deer Hunter”, both actors went on to win second Academy Awards and were considered to be the greatest talents of their generations, so critics expected acting fireworks. Instead, De Niro and Streep chose to tell a rather simple story of a man and a woman, who meet in a crowded department store before Christmas, meet again on the train on their way to work and then fall in love, despite both being married. Critics were rather disappointed by the lack of big scenes in favor of everyday people with everyday problems. The films remains a small gem, but an often forgotten one.
Streep received the Italian David Di Donatello Award as Best Foreign Actress for “Falling in Love” and won her first People’s Choice Award as Favorite Motion Picture Actress – an award she would win throughout the 1980s. She also narrated the audio book and television programme “The Velveteen Rabbit”, for which she received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Album for Children. Her voice was also heard on an answering machine in Wendy Wasserstein’s “Isn’t it Romatic?” at the New Horizons.