
“A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle For a Living Planet” is the first big-picture exploration of the environmental movement – grassroots and global activism spanning fifty years from conservation to climate change. Narrated by Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Isabel Allende, Ashley Judd and Van Jones, the film tells vivid stories about people fighting – and succeeding – against enormous odds.

A Fierce Green Fire can educate and inspire new generations; energize activists; give purpose to the movement; even shape its identity going forward. We’re committed to spending two years working with groups large and small – not just doing screenings and sales to their members and partners, but using the film as a tool for campaigning around an array of issues. Already we are discussing plans with Lois Gibbs’ CHEJ; the Sierra Club and its chapters; NRDC; 350.org; the National Wildlife Federation, which reaches into the heartland; local groups fighting fracking in Pennsylvania and New York; Eradicating Ecocide, a campaign to make environmental damage an international crime; Waterkeeper Alliance and International Rivers; Greenpeace and Oregon Wild; Occupy groups and Imazon in Brazil; food and water activists… the list goes on.
