“Finale, Late Conversations with Stephen Sondheim” is a new book written by D.T. Max and released on the one-year anniversary of Sondheim’s death this November. In an excerpt posted by Playbill, Sondheim and Meryl Streep talk about their very first collaboration in the 1974 production of “The Frogs” at the Yale Repertory Theatre – or, better said, at the University’s swimming pool.
I was in a production of The Frogs, which was at Yale when I was a first-year student. And I was in the chorus. And he was very legendary. I don’t think he even noticed me. But it was really hilarious. There was a lot of vying to get into the chorus from the women in the drama school because most of the cast were young men in bathing suits. Everybody wanted to be in the chorus! (Meryl Streep, Finale, Late Conversations with Stephen Sondheim)
They also talk about the new song recorded for “Into the Woods”, which was eventually cut from the final version, and possible plans to work together in London, although nothing specific is revealed by Sondheim. The full article can be read over at Playbill.