
Although Donald Trump’s rise to political prominence has been a difficult and painful experience for the millions of people he has relentlessly denigrated, there is one silver lining to his candidacy – the renewed national dialogue on sexual assault. Since the leaked recording of his sexually predatory conversation with Billy Bush in 2005 reached national media attention, the response has been both heartbreaking and empowering. As a duel effort to give women space to openly talk about the negative personal effects of sexual assault and defeat Trump, these celebrities appeared in a powerful video for Hillary Clinton in which they got real about why sexual assault is not OK. The video, produced by the group Humanity for Hillary, features women telling their sexual assault stories and explaining why rape culture is not ok. Over a dozen celebrities, including Meryl Streep, Whoopi Goldberg, Amy Schumer, Rose McGowan, and Amber Tamblyn, appeared in the video, with Tamblyn taking a leading role.
