Article courtesy USA Today: Of Meryl Streep’s abundance of gifts, one stands out in particular: the ability to laugh at herself. Her left hand is bandaged after an avocado-peeling accident that severed nerves and requires physical therapy. She still can’t believe her kitchen debacle, the confluence of foolhardiness and the wrong knife. “From now on, I’m changing everything. I learn something every day. I do. Six months to a year, it will take to heal,” Streep says ruefully. “I shouldn’t cross against the light, and that’s when you get hit by the bike coming the wrong way. You know it. And you think, how can you tell your children anything when you’re the idiot?”
That’s not the word anyone would use to describe her. Streep is one of the most respected, revered actresses working today, and she won an Oscar, her third, this year for playing Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Yet Streep, effusive, funny and warm, sounds like a giddy drama school graduate when she talks about her day job. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe they’re still letting me do this!” The complete article can be read here.