
It’s hard to believe, but Simply Streep celebrates its 10th anniversary these days. I can’t recall the exact day of the site’s opening, but since it’s Meryl’s 60th birthday as well this Monday, what better opportunity is there to just join the party. So, Simply Streep is now officially 10! To celebrate both events, the website has received a complete make-over, including lots of new features.


From now on, you can search all news and updates and comment with others on the latest entries. The Image Library has received a new face as well. Some images have to be re-added, so be sure to keep an eye on gallery updates. And if you want to receive updates in real-time, join the brand-new Simply Streep Twitter! Some may wonder were the placeholder for the forum went to – the fact is that the discussion forum will not be re-opened any time soon. This is a personal question of time, and I feel that for now the spare time I have for this website is better invested in the main site. But since Simply Streep is a constant work-in-progress, be sure it will give you the interatcivity to communicate with others in time.


The site still has some tweaks that need to be fixed, and there will be some changes made, but so far the new launch is complete, and I hope you enjoy your stay at the new and improved Simply Streep! Feel free to use the comments function to submit your feedback!
