November 20, 2001. The documentary chronicles the life and work of Clint Eastwood, following his career from the early days on "Rawhide" to his then latest motion picture "Space Cowboys".
September 13, 1998. Meryl Streep is interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning about the current release of "One True Thing". There are also segments from her visit to the 1998 Telluride Film Festival.
March 1996. Meryl Streep and Gene Siskel visit Yale University for a discussion with students, and then sit down at Frank Pepe’s Pizzeria for an interview about Meryl’s early years and her successful film career.
1996. Introduced by Meryl Streep, "The Arts and Children: A Success Story" captures both the intrinsic value of studying the arts and their role in building the skills and commitment for mastering other school subjects.
September 01, 1995. Meryl Streep talks about the making of "The Bridges of Madison County" during a pre-taped interview in Paris, France, earlier in the year to promote "The River Wild".
Simply Streep is your premiere source on Meryl Streep's work on film, television and in the theatre - a career that has won her three Academy Awards and
the praise to be one of the world's greatest working actresses. Created in 1999, we have built an extensive collection to discover Miss Streep's work through an
archive of press articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay - and check back soon.
Simply Streep - The Meryl Streep Archives is a non-profit fansite and is not affiliated with Ms. Streep herself or her management
in any way. The cause of this website is to represent the work of Meryl Streep in an accurate and up-to-date version for fans all over the world. I do not claim
ownership for any information or material published on this website. I hope you enjoy your stay and check back soon!