Video Archive: sophies choice

  • March 1, 2001 · 9150 views
    Television special on the making of "Sophie's Choice", including interviews with writer William Styron, producer Martin Stanger, Alan Pakula's wife and an archive interview with Meryl Streep.
  • November 10, 1998 · 10540 views
    Excerpt from the DVD supplement documentary, filmed in 1997, on the making of "Sophie's Choice", including interviews with William Styron and Meryl Streep
  • April 11, 1983 · 6292 views
    Profile on Meryl Streep by the Australian 60 Minutes, featuring an interview conducted in France during the promotion for "Sophie's Choice".
  • April 1, 1983 · 6133 views
    Excerpt from the Film83 programme featuring an interview with Meryl Streep to promote the release of "Sophie's Choice".
  • February 23, 1983 · 519 views
    Compilation of news segments by WKY News on Oscar nominated actors of 1982. Included are various reports on "Sophie's Choice", including interviews with director Alan Pakula and Meryl Streep.
  • January 30, 1983 · 6628 views
    Excerpt of Meryl Streep interviewed by David Hartman on Good Morning America to promote the theatrical release of "Sophie's Choice".
  • December 8, 1982 · 8077 views
    Sophie (Meryl Streep) shows Commandant Hoess (Gunther Maria Halmer) her father's papers regarding the final solution and asks for dismissal.
  • December 8, 1982 · 7298 views
    Sophie (Meryl Streep) confesses that her father was a Nazi sympathizer.
  • December 8, 1982 · 7516 views
    A manic Nathan (Kevin Kline) presses Sophie (Meryl Streep) if it was her anti-Semitism that got her through the Holocaust alive.
  • December 8, 1982 · 7351 views
    Sophie (Meryl Streep) opens up to Stingo (Peter MacNichol) about her attempted suicide after being imprisoned in Auschwitz.

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