Video Archive: holocaust

  • April 16, 1977 · 7497 views
    After her meeting with Karl (James Woods) in the concentration camp, Inga (Meryl Streep) is desperate when he is taken away.
  • April 16, 1977 · 7365 views
    On her way to the church, Inga (Meryl Streep) has an argument with Muller (Tony Haygarth) who tries to convince her of his love.
  • April 16, 1977 · 7738 views
    Inga (Meryl Streep) visits the concentration camp to forward to speak to Muller (Tony Haygarth) and to forward a letter to her husband.
  • April 16, 1977 · 5922 views
    After Anna (Blanche Baker) has been attacked on the street, Inga (Meryl Streep) visits her doctor and trusts on his opinion.
  • April 16, 1977 · 6762 views
    At a family dinner, Inga (Meryl Streep) tries to get more information about Karl's situation from Muller (Tony Haygarth), much to her parent's dismay.
  • April 16, 1977 · 7834 views
    Inga (Meryl Streep) collides with her mother when Karl (James Woods) is deported by the police
  • April 16, 1977 · 7425 views
    Home video trailer for the release of the "Holocaust" miniseries on video cassette.