Simply Streep is your premiere source on Meryl Streep's work on film, television and in the theatre - a career that has won her the praise to be one of the world's greatest working actresses. Created in 1999, we have built an extensive collection to discover Miss Streep's body of work through articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
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of SimplyStreep
The New York Philharmonic held their opening night gala concert yesterday and actors Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin, as well as singer Billy Joel, were among the many guests to attend. Pictures can be found in the Image Library.
In the past days there have been lots of new interviews with Meryl and Stanley Tucci on their European tour to promote “Julie & Julia”. Clips of various French and Spanish tv programmes were uploaded, as well as the previously announced interviews on GMTV and This Morning, yesterday. A complete list can be found below the previews. Enjoy!
Video Archive > News Segments > 2009 > This Morning (September 11, 2009)
Video Archive > News Segments > 2009 > GMTV (September 11, 2009)
Video Archive > News Segments > 2009 > Telecinco (September 09, 2009)
Video Archive > News Segments > 2009 > Sé Lo Che Hicisteis (September 09, 2009)
Video Archive > News Segments > 2009 > France 24 (September 06, 2009)
Video Archive > Miscellaneous > Le Grand Journal Interview Session (September 04, 2009)
Video Archive > Making Ofs > The Making of “Julie & Julia”
Added a couple more pictures from the Deauville Film Festival, including a stunning photoshoot that was made before the film’s gala premiere. Also added pictures of Meryl taping an appearance on the French talkshow “Vivement Dimanche”, which is going to air this Sunday (see the Calendar for more information). Thanks as always to everybody for the heads-up!
More pictures from the Deauville photocall and gala premiere of “Julie & Julia” have been added to the Image Library. More clips will follow later.
Two clips from the Deauville Film Festival have been added to the video archive – a very funny interview with Meryl and Stanley Tucci on eating (thanks Tina) as well as a video from the press conference for “Julie & Julia”.
Meryl has attended today’s photocall at the Deauville Film Festival to promote “Julie & Julia”. She’s accompanied by director Nora Ephron and co-stars Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina as well as Tucci. The first pictures from the photocall have been added to the Image Library.
Over 250 new production stills from Meryl’s films have been added to the Image Library, also including promotional photoshoots and behind-the-scenes pictures. Practically every album of the career section has been updated, so be sure to check the “Latest Uploads” by clicking the previews below. Enjoy the new additions!
Image Library > Career Photography > Latest Uploads
The Specials section has taken ages to be opened, now it’s finally online with a first batch of exclusive readings – detail pages on the real-living people that Meryl has portrayed in her films, Julia Child, Ethel Rosenberg, Roberta Guaspari, Lindy Chamberlain, Karen Blixen and Karen Silkwood. Each page is accompanied by pictures and lots of background information, so enjoy your read!
Here comes a real blast from the past. Two very rare video interviews from 1993 and 1997. One was taped around the time that “The House of the Spirits” was promoted, the second comes from a promotional interview for “Marvin’s Room”. Captures from these have been added to the Image Library as well. Many thanks to Tina for the heads-up! Enjoy these great finds!
On August 07, Meryl and Nora Ephron have also attended the Charlie Rose Show to promote “Julie & Julia”, clips and caps of her appearance will follow. And speaking of which, I was unable so far to get Meryl’s appearance on the Colbert Report on August 06, so if anyone’s taped it or is able to help me getting it on the website, please drop me a line. Thanks!
Three new articles have been added to the Magazines Archive – interviews with Parade Magazine and USA Today as well as a very interesting and in-depth background story on the making of “Julie & Julia” by the New York Times. Enjoy your read! Below is an excerpt from the brief but entertaining interview with Parade.
I’m like every other actor, I’ve been unemployed more than I’ve been working. Actors just have a lot of down time. So I’ve never gotten used to being out of work. It’s a very uncertain life and there are only a few people that would sign up to be married to somebody who’s an actor. My husband’s an artist and he understands that, the vagaries of the job. I just take every day is a miracle and I’m really glad that I’m still working and that people are not sick of me, even though even I’m sick of me a little bit.