National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

or nearly 70 years, NCADD has been a valuable resource for millions of people struggling with addiction. Their founder, Marty Mann, got sober in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). When AA was just getting started in 1935, Marty’s sponsor was AA Co-founder, Bill Wilson. Marty exuded courage and unwavering belief in the dignity of all people. She worked tirelessly to provide education to raise the awareness of addiction across our society. Today, NCADD continues to operate on two parallel tracks – the National level and the community level. Today there are almost 100 NCADD Affiliates across the United States. NCADD believes that all people suffering from alcohol and drug abuse deserve the chance to be helped.

In 1996, Meryl Streep hosted “What Should I Tell My Child About Drinking?”, a prevention video for parents developed by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. It was released on December 1, 1996. The video offers viewers advice both about good parenting and how to discuss alcohol. Actors performing in a series of believable family situations make this valuable information easily accessible to parents who need an introduction to an often difficult subject. “With Ms. Streep as the host of our video, we can reach a much wider audience with our message,” said Eugene D. McWilliams, chair of NCADD’s nominating and awards board committee. “Her merits as an actress confer instant prestige on our project, but more significantly viewers will be able to relate to the fact that she and her husband are raising four children.”