
Last night on his post-Oscars show, Jimmy Kimmel premiered what fans have been looking for all awards season: parody movie trailers based on classic viral videos. Among them is “Bitman Begins”, “based” on “Charlie Bit My Finger, and starring Chris and Liam Hemsworth as well as Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks! Short but funny, especially Streep’s “subtle” dialogue. Don’t miss the other videos as well, “Ameowadeus“, featuring Kevin Spacey, Christoph Waltz, Gary Oldman and Ben Kingsley, “Sweet Brown: Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That“, featuring Queen Latifah and Barkhad Abdi, and “David After Dentist Double Rainbow Oh My God!“, featuring Joseph Gordn-Levitt and Samuel L. Jackson. “Bitman Begins” can be found in the video archive, alongside captures and production stills in the image library.