Meryl Streep attended the AFI Harold Lloyd Master Seminar in Los Angeles on May 16, 2004. A month later she was presented with the AFI’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Established in 1969, the Harold Lloyd Master Seminar series includes participants who represent an exceptional cross-section of cinema’s great talents. Transcripts, and often tapes, of all of these seminars are available to Fellows as reference materials in AFI’s Louis B. Mayer Library. The Harold lloyd master seminar series — named after silent film legend Harold lloyd, who gave the first seminar in 1969 — brings fellows together with artists to share their work and experiences in an informal and accessible setting. these artists impart not only practical advice on making movies, but speak about their influences, early experiences and dedication to their craft. Providing an exchange of ideas between established and emerging filmmakers, these seminars are among AFI Conservatory’s most popular programs.
On imagination: I just think that everybody has everything in them, and that usually directors and casting people see so little of what you have. They see so little of your potential. You have everybody in you. People who really wanna act and do it can access all kinds of horrible things. And that’s what we ask them to do, actors, we want them to channel murderers, because we have murderous feelings and we want to see that played out. There is a need for people to embody these unspeakables and unimaginables. So that’s the actor’s job. I hate those meetings where you walk in, you sit down and they say, ‘they just wanna have a look at you’. Well, then that’s all they’re gonna get. A look at you. A look at you is nothing.