Simply Streep is your premiere source on Meryl Streep's work on film, television and in the theatre - a career that has won her the praise to be one of the world's greatest working actresses. Created in 1999, we have built an extensive collection to discover Miss Streep's body of work through articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
25 years
of SimplyStreep
June 11, 2023

Hello everybody and welcome to the latest version of Simply Streep. As this fansite enters its 24th anniversary this year, please bear with me for some personal words. The new look resembles what I most probably had in mind all these years ago – an online scrapbook with all information in one place. Of course, the internet has changed rapidly since then, and most of the action has moved to social media (which I’m not very good at, as you can tell by the accounts for this site). So, a fansite like Simply Streep feels very retro today, which, I think, only adds to its charm and effort in maintaining it. With the help and support of many friends and visitors, Simply Streep has become the titular archive that has exceeded my expectations time and again and of which I’m very proud of. Thanks to all of you, it means a lot. Meryl Streep’s work schedule has understandably decreased in recent years and there’s not much new to frequently report on, so we will continue to fill the archives and make it as complete as possible – while I will do my best to keep the site easy to browse and tidied up. I hope you enjoy your stay and check back soon.