Simply Streep is your premiere source on Meryl Streep's work on film, television and in the theatre - a career that has won her the praise to be one of the world's greatest working actresses. Created in 1999, we have built an extensive collection to discover Miss Streep's body of work through articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
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November 28, 2017

Article courtesy Awards Daily on yesterday’s screening at the Directors Guild of America: The Director’s Guild Of America in Hollywood was packed to the brim last night in anticipation of the new film, The Post. Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, and Steven Spielberg along with screenwriters Liz Hannah And Josh Singer, Production Designer Rick Carter and Cinematographer Janusz Kaminski attended the post-screening Q&A. Spielberg humbly told the audience that he got all of his first choices for the film. He gave thanks to Ellen Lewis his casting director and said he’d always wanted to work with Bradley Whitford. “It was one of my favorite cast pictures that I’ve ever worked on.” Talking about the 70’s visual language of the film, Spielberg said there wasn’t a lot of time for him to do much pre-visualisation and he relied on his production designer, Rick Carter to present locations that were authentic to the period. He said, “I knew this was a thriller. A new room adventure story and I used a zoom lens.”

On how the era in which [Graham] lived, Streep said: “It was customary in certain circles. When people would have dinner parties and important topics came up the women excused themselves.” Streep replied referring to the dinner scene in the film where the women leave the dinner table when the men start talking about “important issues.” The three-time Oscar winner said she had read the book and spoke to Graham’s son, Don. “She was very uncertain. At work, she had so many people thinking she didn’t deserve to be where she was.” She added, “What the world was like, I try to tell young women how different it was very recently, in those leadership circles.”

Without having time to build sets, Carter found the printing house used by Broadway’s Playbill in White Plain that served as the printing room for the Washington Post. Spielberg said he was surprised to see how it worked and joked that he was obsessed with the printing machine. Hosted by Vanity Fair’s Rebecca Keegan, Streep said of working with Spielberg for the first time was surprised by, “how improvisatory, spontaneous, and living the process of making the movie is.” She joked that while she had never worked with Spielberg before, Hanks had done so, “150 times.” She added, “There was a boys story and a girls story and I felt a little bit isolated and out of the fun. I wasn’t invited to the pie.” She joked before talking about his craft and his camera work. “I got so excited coming to work every day.” The complete article can be read over at Awards Daily.