Back in 2011, I’ve created a site special called “Conversations and Panels”, writing about the Q&As that Meryl Streep has participated in through the years. There weren’t many, and unfortunately the section got neglected by me as fast as I started working on it. Little did I know five years ago how important and extensive conversation panels would become for today’s movie promotions. The way films are promoted these days is vastly different compared to, let’s say, 10 to 20 years ago. There aren’t that many in-depth interviews in magazines anymore, since magazines aren’t that big anymore. Sometimes, depending on a film’s budget, all there is is a press conference from which everyone takes their bits of news. But conversation panels and Q&As have increased over the years, and it’s become the best way to learn more about the projects that are talked about. The interviews are unfiltered and done in person, and many organizations are streaming the Q&As live or after they’ve taken place. I was surprised, while updating the conversations special, that Meryl has done over 30 conversation panels in the last 5 years! Long story short, head over to the newly-titled In Conversation for a comprehensive list of panels of Q&As, filled with quotes, pictures and videos. If you know about any Q&As that I might have forgotten about, please drop me a line.